29 September 2014

mrsm taiping

11.53 pm // 29.9.2014 // bedroom

hi there.

lagi beberapa minit nak masuk hari esok. k sebenarnya takde pape pun esok, cuma homework aku je tak siap lagi. nak hilangkan ngantuk, aku pun bukaklah blog. *pop* (light up bulb), haaa i dah ade idea nak type apa

dulu. masa zaman pmr. 2013. aku tak suka sekolah aku. smka al irshad. sekolah berprestasi tinggi. sebab ?

1 - peraturan ketat sangat
2 - sekolah yang kasi homework paling banyak kat student ialah smka al irshad ya
3 - tiap-tiap hari ada tuition, kecuali ahad

aku pun tak ingat sebab-sebab aku benci sangat sekolah aku dulu. hahaha. disebabkan kebencian yang meluap-luap, maka aku bertekad untuk belajar rajin rajin supaya mendapat 9A a.k.a straight As untuk pmr. aku telah apply mrsm taiping sebagai sekolah yang 'bakal aku belajar' nanti haha. but, why i chose mrsm taiping ?

1 - smart school. dah lama dah tau sekolah ni sekolah budak terer.
2 - sebab aku nak belajar dalam suasana mrsm
3 - supaya boleh dapat ramai kawan baru
4 - supaya boleh pergi zoo tiap tiap hari
5 - supaya aku dapat keluar dari irshad

seriously, masa pergi exam ukkm, kawan-kawan aku semua pergi jawab di mrsm kepala batas ja, sebab dekat dengan rumah. aku ? aku pergi mrsm taiping okay. sebab aku memang naaaakkkk sangat belajar dekat sini. sebelum exam start, aku dah ronda satu mrsm tu. and masa jawab ukkm tu, memang aku jawab sehabis baik. i had well-prepared for it okay. and masa tu aku sangat yakin yang aku bakal menjadi salah seorang pelajarnya di sini.

BUT, apalah nasib. masa panggilan pertama mrsm, aku gagal. kawan aku syahira yang sekepala dengan aku masa pmr dulu, dapat pc. time tu, memang aku nangis semahu-mahunya. badan hilang 3kg sebab tak selera makan, depressed semua ada. maka, aku pun berharap sangat untuk panggilan kedua pulak.

panggilan kedua pulak. AGAIN, i failed. i cant believe that i failed. dunia rasa gelap. aku tahu, kesemuanya 3 kali panggilan, tetapi firasat aku kuat mengatakan, yang aku takkan dapat mrsm. aku frust sangat. aku nangis. every night. aku tak tahu macam mana nak teruskan hidup (hiperbola tahap dewa) di sekolah yang aku sangat benci masa tu. hahah

alhamdulillah, aku ada kawan-kawan yang sangat supportive. bagi kata-kata semangat. aku terharu sangat by the way they treated me just to made me happy.

' ada hikmah wey, relax'

'everything happens for a good reason'

'sekolah irshad pun power, bakpe nak pindah, hahah'

hm. pastu lama kelamaan, aku dah rasa okay. aku macam dah sayang sekolah aku. mungkin sebab tahun ni aku join macam-macam untuk sekolah such as debate. so bila join debate, aku rasa macam, 'i did this for school, for my beloved school'. so, that was how i started to love my school again since form 1.

lagipun, kat irshad pun power dari segi akademik, setiap tahun result gempak. so, aku rasa ada hikmah aku berada di irshad. aku harap aku dapat contribute kat sekolah ni. pejam celik pejam celik, dah 4 tahun aku kat sini. next year tahun last. tahun spm. haihh 

so, itulah coretan aku pagi pagi buta ni. betapa desperatenya aku nak masuk mrsm. tapi tak dapat juga. bukan tak pandai, maybe financial bckground. who knows ? oh btw sorry english berterabur,  mengantuk teruk dah ni. k bye.

au revoir !

27 September 2014


11 subjects. kalau boleh, semua nak bolot 11 A+. tapi, disebabkan ke-busy-an aku yang melampau ni, maka macam takde harapan nak bolot semua A+. so my target is..

5 A +   4 A  2A-/B

tahulaa, kita kena berani target tinggi-tinggi kan, dare to dream big. taapi aku tahu level aku sekarang ni macam mana, so aku rasa 5A + tu pun dah berbaloi la. cukup untuk masuk 5 IK kelas first tahun depan. tolong sesape yang bace ni, doakan saya !!!!

A + - sejarah, syariah, quran sunnah, english and chemistry

A    - biology, physic, math, bahasa melayu

B    - addmath, arab

tahu kenapa aku target addmath aku B, sebab tajuk differentiation dah buat aku jadi bengong 360 darjah huhu. bahasa melayu aku tak pernah dapat A sejak form 3 (kecuali pmr je first time dapat A). and sejarah memang aku target A + , because i think ive well-prepared for it

till next post, byeee (^,^)

26 September 2014

Midnight Thoughts

somehow i feel like, i had waste a lot of time in my life, since im thirteen until now, sixteen. when im in primary school, i was once a clever student, who always attained excellent grades every time during exams. i am clever at almost everything, i am good at time management, im a very hardworking girl, i have soft spot for my family, old women and school, i always represent my school in so many competitions such as nasyid, story-telling and others. i also had received Best Student trophy in primary school level from kdsm (koperasi dagang seni malaysia).  i dont miss myself when i was around 10 to 12 years old. but i miss being who i was when im 10 to 12 years old. oh it was sad reminiscing the old times

nowadays, my exam results have always become a big let-down to my parents. i used to keep my mouth shut every time my mom ask about my exam results, or i just let her know the subjects with good grades. my mom is not stupid, but im feeling bad for lying to her all this while. im not lying, i just dont want to make her feel, disappointed with me. im just a bad daughter. i know, the very excruciating pain she had to bear while giving birth to me around 4 am in morning, how strong she is raising me and my other sibs up until who we are now, how beautiful her heart is, always be the best motivator, counselor, and more importantly, always pray for me so that i can be a successful person. I'm sorry for being such a nuisance to you. I'm sorry for not spending most of my time with you.im sorry for raising my voice while talking to you whenever im stress (ya Allah forgive me !!). I'm sorry if my presence only cause you anger. I'm sorry for not being a good kid. I'm sorry for being a disappointment to you. ya Allah please...please grant the most significant person in my life, both mom and dad Your jannah. because they really deserve it. and ya Allah, please forgive my unforgivable misakes that id made all this while

Success is the best revenge - Kanye West

my favourite quote that inspires me all the time. revenge ? yeah because im not a loser, im a winner. im going to be the winner soon, im going to change my life now, with success inshaaAllah. i believe that i have a better future, i believe that i will have a blessed life soon, i believe that i can make my parents happy with myself. im sick being who i am right now, that feeling when your results is among the worst in your class. i hate it. guys, do pray for my final coming soon, i will make a revenge..

Coffee ?

Hi assalamualaikum semua !

Haa harini exam sejarah paper 3. kiranya warm up PAT lah. PAT yang sebenar bakal menyusul seminggu akan datang. aku dah kata sejak cuti seminggu dulu, 3 minggu tu sekejap je habis. tup tup, haa lagi seminggu nak exam. to be honest aku takut la jugak exam kali ni. sebab aku macam tak prepare apa langsung. walaupun aku buka buku, tapi aku macam tak dapat apa langsung dari pembacaan aku tu. ((sigh))

nak kata stress, tak sangat. sebab aku macam relax je. contohnya sekarang, sempat lagi update blog iye. alaa sekejap je sebab lama dah tak bukak blog ni huh. btw, baru tadi aku kena brainwash dengan mak aku, jangan minum kopi. sebab, kafein tu boleh memudaratkan kesihatan.tapi cikgu biology aku kata minum sehari sekali takpe. dan sebenarnya tak memudaratkan kesihatan pun.ye la kot. tapi aku pun kadang marah juga dekat diri sendiri, sebab minum kopi. tapi entahlah, aku tengok budak terer especially kat sekolah aku tu haa, berjaga sampai malam sebab minum coffee especially nescafe. budak asrama yang stay up malam-malam buta tu minum nescafe. fatin liyana, idola aku tu, siap study dekat old town lagi untuk stay up malam. kopi old town sangat kuat ok, korang susah nak tidur sampai malam hari seterusnya. idzni yg kata hahah

namun, aku bukanlah seorang yang minum benda mcam kopi ni, mak aku tak pernah ajar. even my mom pun tak pernah minum kopi. ok mommy, i promise ill never drink coffee again. walaupun aku sebenarnya seorang yang susah nak jaga malam, 5 minit je dah ngantuk.

tapi, demi masa depan yang cerah tanpa sebarang penyakit dek minum kopi tetiap hari, (takde laa tiap2 hari), i will never drink coffee, and i will study hard, in a smart way. aku dah browse kebaikan kopi tadi, nah link dia - http://mforum.cari.com.my/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=728802

kebaikan dia memang banyak, dapat burn fat, dapat meningkatkan prestasi otak, dapat menghilangkan pening kepala. i'm amazed. taaaapi, bila baca keburukan dia.. tak digalakkan untuk perempuan sebab berisiko tinggi mengalami keguguran. i dont want

too blessed to be stress

bagi aku, there're no point of being stress because there are still many things that we should feel grateful for. kalau minum kopi just taknak tidur sebab nak study supaya tak stress, stupid. again mommy, im sorry

8 September 2014

lawyer ?

im having problem with myself, sometimes, i dont know what i want to be in the future. by right i should decide and think about that now. but still, im confused whether i'll apply accountancy or lawyer. but my instinct strongly believe that im good in reading, memorizing, so.. LAWYER !

building the sandcastle in the air.. the common idiom used by student nowadays including me ! but not in the essay, im applying it in the real life. ive been dreaming, that one day i'll own a firm. im a lawyer.. ! aahh sounds professional ! class..

err but, final exam is just around a corner.. i should go back to study ! thanks for reading, au revoir !

6 September 2014


aku pernah pergi Singapore 2 kali. kali pertama masa tahun 2010. masa tu aku darjah enam. aku pergi bulan Jun, 13 – 15 Jun 2010. ni kira first time aku pergi oversea, Singapore kira oversea la jugak kan walaupun dekat je ngan msia haha

masa ni aku just pergi Singapore Zoo. universal tak sempat pergi, sebab tiket dah habis. aku nangis je tengok orang dalam universal tu. jealous habis.

so kali kedua aku pergi iaitu pada tahun 2013, aku berpeluang masuk USS ! it was a GREAT, I mean SUPER GREAT experience ! plus, kali ni ada 4D TRANSFORMERS RIDE ! sumpah best gila !

dah habis pergi uss. the next day we went to, SINGAPORE ZOO.. AGAIN  !!

actually kat Singapore zoo ada banyak lagi binatang comel. tapi itu bukanlah sebab aku suka zoo kat sini, tapi, the surroundings ! zoo ni memang best, suasana macam dalam hutan, landskap sangat best ! aku harap lepas ni boleh datang lagi. haha.

k thanks for reading ! au revoir !

Missing Bandung

Hi. Actually, I miss bandung. overall, it was worth a visit. I went there on December 2011. when I was in form 1 haha.
let the pictures tells..!

ini masa sampai di airport bandara Hussein sastranegara bandung. nama airport boleh buat game  tongue twister ni haha

self picking strawberry !

had so much fun at tangkuban parahu. mesmerized by the stunning, breath taking scenery. btw, its cold here !

tadi sejuk, sekarang di kolam air panas semulajadi.  aku tak ingat apa nama tempat tu.

tadaaa ! yg ni pulak Rumah Angklung.  Bandung ni adalah tempat angklung dicipta ! aku tak ingat sapa founder dia but I love angklung ! we’d watched the local children there playing angklung, singing and dancing ! they’re also wearing their tradisional attire. we also got the chance to play angklung. its quite hard man..

ni di kampung gajah. idk what so special here, tapi dia macam themepark I guess. plus, masa kami sampai, tempat tu masih under construction. *ignore my annoying face*

the best part, kampung daun ! tempat makan ni memang best. surrounded by trees, monotonous sounds of the crickets, trees blocking the sun rays, the sounds of the waterfall, and .. the scrumptious foods !

I don’t remember how many days we spent there,but  I think about 1 week ! it was a great experience to visit other country ! so, after touch down at lcct, we spent a few days in kl.

so, that’s all ! thanks for reading. au revoir !